SouthPeak Games Have Had Some Breaks Along Their Way - What Next?

One of the recent publisher of games over the past few years has been SouthPeak Games. Originally tied up with SAS Institute by virtue of being a subsidiary, they've been publishing games going back to 1995 and have worked with a variety of studios in the field of game development including the likes of Top Ware Interactive, Psyonix Studios along with EAI Interactive.
The company has published games for a lot of the big names in the industry. They have published games for Sony's PlayStation 2, Microsoft's Xbox, Nintendo 64, Nintendo's DS video games systems, Game Boy Color not forgetting Microsoft Windows as well and served as the inspiration for some of the best video slots online .
SouthPeak Games have games in development stages for Xbox 360, Sony's PlayStaion 3, along with the Xbox Live Arcade. They currently cover all hand helds and consoles from the current generation and when it comes to genres include a wide variety in their portfolio.
Their home base in the USA is Midlothian in Virginia and also they've branches in Texas along with London in the UK.
Things kicked into gear nicely for them when they managed to raise almost $13 million in indie game development all from private investments. The following year after the acquisition of the Gamecock Media, they announced the company figures for the previous last quarter being four fold for the same period in 2007 at over S17 million.
As already indicated, SouthPeak Games have a very diversified portfolio and this along with keeping a close eye on costs and strict supervision in other fields were major contributors to such rapid growth in the video publishing field. Certainly the totally unexpected huge demand for the "My Baby" Collection for Nintendo didn't hurt at all and now over the past few years they have also acquired licensing rights for the TNA Wrestling game from Midway Games.
SouthPeak Games successes have also come with their fair share of controversy. Whether this will be of any future consequence remains to be seen. Time as always reveals all, there could just be more to come, let's see.